Sajha Shiksha is an best educational platform to prepare CSIT,BIT,BCA and CMAT entrance preparation that is located in Putalisadak, Kathmandu. This institute aims to promote educational learning opportunities for students both in rural and urban areas. They provide students with lots of learning material, counselling from experts , as well as scholarship for deserving candidates.
Provide real repeated and latest reliable question of the course.
Students can get involved in free mocktest that is organized in every Saturday by Sajha Shiksha.
Free breakfast is provided to every student involving in mocktest.
All the study materials including past question, modelset question and entrance preparation book is included in the fee.
Huge Scholarship facility is provided to the deserving candidates.
To promote the education that totally focus on individual learning and success.
To provide dymanic and technologically driven educational environment, where full freedom is provided in terms of resources.